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Impact and Improvement Programme

We have a range of online and face-to-face training sessions for anyone looking to embed programme quality and achieve meaningful impact in provision for young people.

The Centre for Youth Impact at YMCA George Williams College has further developed a range of online and face-to-face training sessions for anyone looking to understand and improve the impact and quality of their work with young people.  

Our Impact and Improvement Programme is specifically designed for informal and non-formal youth provision within the UK. The training sessions will build your knowledge and skills to: 

  • design youth provision; 

  • undertake quality monitoring;  

  • design appropriate evaluations;  

  • collect relevant and quality data; and 

  • identify and embed organisational learning. 

All approaches, techniques, and content within our training sessions are tailored to youth provision, with a focus on equity, diversity and inclusion, safeguarding, and ethical practice embedded throughout. All have a strong commitment to ensuring that the views and experiences of young people are central to designing, delivering, and improving your provision, showing alignment with youth work principles and practice. 

Our tried and tested sessions have been developed over many years of engagement with practitioners working with young people in a wide variety of settings and contexts. They are relevant to anyone engaged in informal and non-formal provision, and can be helpful to anyone new to understanding or measuring impact and quality improvement, or those looking to refresh their skills.  

We offer training sessions through interactive, face-to-face workshops and online webinars. Our experienced and knowledgeable trainers are rooted in the youth sector and able to actively support you to apply learning into your practice and relationships. 

For details of specific sessions, see below. If you are interested in commissioning a training session for your organisation or to register interest in our open access sessions, please contact us.  

All training has been refreshed in Spring 2023, with support from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

Where stated, we offer accreditation alongside courses. The accreditation of each course is available for an additional charge of £75 per person per course.

Upcoming training modules

Explore our upcoming modules below. Some of our modules are repeated, therefore please only attend one session. 

July 2024

An Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation in the Youth Sector

Monitoring and evaluation are a fundamental aspect of delivering provision for young people. This day session will equip you with a basic understanding of how to plan and undertake monitoring and evaluation in order to evidence impact. 

By the end of the day, you will: 

  • Understand terms related to monitoring and evaluation 
  • Have a basic knowledge of how to measure change 
  • Have a basic knowledge of how to conduct an evaluation 
  • Understand why fidelity monitoring is important and how it relates to evaluation and innovation.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area four of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time:

19 July 2024 at 10am- 4pm

Sign up and find out more here. 

Writing Your Theory of Change

This practical half-day session will walk you through all the stages of developing a theory of change. At the end of this session, you will leave with a draft theory of change for a project or service. If you are not familiar with theories of change, you may wish to do our introductory session before joining this practical workshop. 

By the end of the session, you will: 

  • Refresh your understanding of Theory of Change models and how to use them 
  • Draft a theory of change for your project or organisation.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area two our Resource Hub. 

Accreditation options

We offer a NCFE accredited version which costs an additional £75 per person. Please email for more information. 

Date and time: 25 July 2024 at 10am-2pm.

Sign up and find out more here. 

Context Mapping

This short training session will introduce you to a range of different approaches to understanding the assets and needs of the communities your work hopes to support – this is a fundamental first step for any programme or project design. By ‘communities’, we mean both geographical (a place or space) and shared identities or experiences (young people with caring responsibilities, for example). 

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Understand the meaning of context mapping and other key terms 
  • Understand the choices to be made when context mapping 
  • Understand how a context map can be used to inform a theory of change.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area one of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time:

11 July 2024 at 9:30am-12:30pm

Sign up and find out more here.

September 2024

An Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation in the Youth Sector

Monitoring and evaluation are a fundamental aspect of delivering provision for young people. This day session will equip you with a basic understanding of how to plan and undertake monitoring and evaluation in order to evidence impact. 

By the end of the day, you will: 

  • Understand terms related to monitoring and evaluation 
  • Have a basic knowledge of how to measure change 
  • Have a basic knowledge of how to conduct an evaluation 
  • Understand why fidelity monitoring is important and how it relates to evaluation and innovation.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area four of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time:

25 September 2024 at 9:30am-3:30pm.

Sign up and find out more here. 

Formative Evaluation

Formative evaluation refers to the learning aspect of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) and allows organisations to modify projects and activities along the way in order to improve outcomes and impact. It is distinct from summative evaluation, which is about looking back once an activity or project has finished. This short session is designed for people with some understanding of monitoring and evaluation who want to use their evaluation work to learn and adapt the work of their organisation. 

By the end of the session, you will: 

  • Understand what formative evaluation is 
  • Understand how monitoring and evaluation inform organisational learning 
  • Use this knowledge to make changes as needed in your organisation.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area six of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 13 September 2024 at 9:30am-12pm

Sign up and find out more here. 

October 2024

Formative Evaluation

Formative evaluation refers to the learning aspect of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) and allows organisations to modify projects and activities along the way in order to improve outcomes and impact. It is distinct from summative evaluation, which is about looking back once an activity or project has finished. This short session is designed for people with some understanding of monitoring and evaluation who want to use their evaluation work to learn and adapt the work of their organisation. 

By the end of the session, you will: 

  • Understand what formative evaluation is 
  • Understand how monitoring and evaluation inform organisational learning 
  • Use this knowledge to make changes as needed in your organisation.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area six of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 11 October 2024 at 10am-12:30pm.

Sign up and find out more here. 

Understanding Different Types of Data

This session is designed for people with some understanding of monitoring and evaluation who want to learn more about the different types of data they might use and how to choose between them. 

By the end of the session, you will: 

  • Understand the strengths and limitations of the different data and data collection tools used in monitoring and evaluation 
  • Have considered which data and tools may be meaningful in your context 
  • Be confident in the rationale behind the choices you make 
  • Understand the importance of quality data
  • Be comfortable taking a measured approach to telling your organisation’s story.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area four of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 17 October 2024 at 9:30am – 4pm

Sign up and find out more here. 

November 2024

Understanding Different Types of Data

This session is designed for people with some understanding of monitoring and evaluation who want to learn more about the different types of data they might use and how to choose between them. 

By the end of the session, you will: 

  • Understand the strengths and limitations of the different data and data collection tools used in monitoring and evaluation 
  • Have considered which data and tools may be meaningful in your context 
  • Be confident in the rationale behind the choices you make 
  • Understand the importance of quality data
  • Be comfortable taking a measured approach to telling your organisation’s story.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area four of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 22 November 2024 at 9:30am-4pm

Sign up and find out more here. 

Youth Voice in Impact Evaluation & Youth Participatory Research

This is a full day session will enable you to understand how to gather evidence from young people and how to tell the story of their experience and journey equitably and ethically. 

By the end of the session, you will be able to: 

  • Understand how and when to involve young people’s feedback into your evaluations
  • Discuss the benefits of involving young people in building an evidence base for your theory of change 
  • Understand the benefits of adult led, co-design and youth led service and evaluation design 
  • Use Equitable Storytelling
  • Understand the characteristics of youth participatory research 
  • Understand the limitations and challenges of YPR and gaining an overview of how to conduct YPR.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area five of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 13 November 2024 at 9:30am-3:30pm

Sign up and find out more here. 

December 2024

Youth Voice in Impact Evaluations & Youth Participatory Research

This is a full day session will enable you to understand how to gather evidence from young people and how to tell the story of their experience and journey equitably and ethically. 

By the end of the session, you will be able to: 

  • Understand how and when to involve young people’s feedback into your evaluations
  • Discuss the benefits of involving young people in building an evidence base for your theory of change 
  • Understand the benefits of adult led, co-design and youth led service and evaluation design 
  • Use Equitable Storytelling
  • Understand the characteristics of youth participatory research 
  • Understand the limitations and challenges of YPR and gaining an overview of how to conduct YPR.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area five of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 4 December 2024 at 10am-4pm.

Sign up and find out more here. 

Creative Data Collection and Analysis Workshop

This day workshop will equip you with a firm understanding of when to use a range of different creative data collection tools and how to analyse the data they produce. 

By the end of the day, you will be able to: 

  • Understand why and when you might use creative data collection tools 
  • Develop awareness of the breadth of creative data collection tools 
  • Understand the benefits and limitations of creative data collection tools 
  • Understand the benefits and limitations in analysis of creative data sets
  • Be comfortable taking a measured approach to telling your organisation’s story 
  • Sharing your impact by telling your organisations story.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area six of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time:13 December 2024 at 9:30am-4:30pm

Sign up and find out more here. 

January 2025

Creative Data Collection and Analysis Workshop

This day workshop will equip you with a firm understanding of when to use a range of different creative data collection tools and how to analyse the data they produce. 

By the end of the day, you will be able to: 

  • Understand why and when you might use creative data collection tools 
  • Develop awareness of the breadth of creative data collection tools 
  • Understand the benefits and limitations of creative data collection tools 
  • Understand the benefits and limitations in analysis of creative data sets
  • Be comfortable taking a measured approach to telling your organisation’s story 
  • Sharing your impact by telling your organisations story.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area six of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 23 January 2025 at 9:30am-4:30pm.

Sign up and find out more here. 

Shared Collective Measurement

Understanding impact across a range of services or organisations can be a challenge. Equally, understanding the impact all youth provision has in a place or area seems daunting, as they may each have different theories of change and evaluation plans. This short session will help you to think through ways to demonstrate collective impact through shared measurement. 

By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Understand what shared measurement can look like 
  • Understand where your organisation could contribute to shared measurement in the youth sector currently and moving forward.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area seven of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 17 January 2025 at 9:30am-1pm

Sign up and find out more here. 

February 2025

Shared Collective Measurement

Understanding impact across a range of services or organisations can be a challenge. Equally, understanding the impact all youth provision has in a place or area seems daunting, as they may each have different theories of change and evaluation plans. This short session will help you to think through ways to demonstrate collective impact through shared measurement. 

By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Understand what shared measurement can look like 
  • Understand where your organisation could contribute to shared measurement in the youth sector currently and moving forward.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area seven of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 21 February 2025 at 10am-1:30pm.

Sign up and find out more here. 

Past sessions

Browse previous training sessions from the Impact and Improvement Training Course here.

June 2024

Writing Your Theory of Change

This practical half-day session will walk you through all the stages of developing a theory of change. At the end of this session, you will leave with a draft theory of change for a project or service. If you are not familiar with theories of change, you may wish to do our introductory session before joining this practical workshop. 

By the end of the session, you will: 

  • Refresh your understanding of Theory of Change models and how to use them 
  • Draft a theory of change for your project or organisation.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area two our Resource Hub. 

Accreditation options

We offer a NCFE accredited version which costs an additional £75 per person. Please email for more information. 

Date and time: 19 June 2024 at 9:30am – 1:30pm

Find out more and sign up here. 


An Introduction to Theory of Change

This short session will familiarise you with the purpose and uses of a theory of change and how they can be constructed. A theory of change helps you, and other people, to be really clear about what you do with and for young people and the reasons for your design decisions. 

By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Understand what a ‘theory of change’ is, including how they are constructed and used
  • Understand how to use a theory of change as a tool for developing your approach to evaluation 
  • Begin to consider how you might draft a theory of change for one aspect of your provision or for your whole organisation or service.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area two our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 7 June 2024 at 9:30am-12:30pm.

Sign up and find out more here. 

Youth Voice in Impact Evaluations

This is a full day session will enable you to understand how to gather evidence from young people and how to tell the story of their experience and journey equitably and ethically. 

By the end of the session, you will be able to: 

  • Understand how and when to involve young people’s feedback into your evaluations
  • Discuss the benefits of involving young people in building an evidence base for your theory of change 
  • Understand the benefits of adult led, co-design and youth led service and evaluation design 
  • Use Equitable Storytelling
  • Understand the characteristics of youth participatory research 
  • Understand the limitations and challenges of YPR and gaining an overview of how to conduct YPR.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area five of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 21 June 2024, 09:30am - 3:30pm

Find out more and sign up here. 

Helping Practitioners Understand Socio-emotional Skills

This one day course is designed for practitioners at the start of their journey of understanding socio-emotional skills and their development. This course will introduce you to our Framework of Outcomes for Young People, our six domains of socio-emotional outcomes, their importance, and how they are linked to human growth and development. The course will also provide opportunities for reflection on your own socio-emotional skill development as a practitioner.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Name and describe socio-emotional skills;
  • Describe how an environment can affect socio-emotional skill development; 
  • Relate socio-emotional theory considering complementary perspectives; 
  • Understand your own socio-emotional skills;
  • Recognise the connection between your own socio-emotional skills and the young people you work with;
  • Understand the relationship between socio-emotional skill development and the wider context of human growth and development theory; and
  • Describe and apply knowledge that supports socio-emotional skill development in practice.

Date and time: 9.30am-3pm, 14 June 2024.

Find out more and sign up here. 

See more

May 2024

Delivering, Measuring and Observing Socio-emotional Skill Development Practice

This course is designed to introduce you to socio- emotional skills, and the practices that support their development with young people. The course is grounded in the College’s Quality Practice Tool providing you with a way of measuring the quality of your provision, with a particular focus on staff (or volunteer) practices that develop socio-emotional skills.

The course is delivered in three modules over one day. You can take part in one or more of the modules.

Module 1: 9:30am on 03 May 2024.

Module 1: An introduction to socio-emotional skill development practice:

The first module identifies four areas of high-quality socio-emotional skill development practice and their indicators.

Module 2: 12:30pm on 03 May 2024.

Module 2: Measuring socio-emotional skill development practice with the Quality Practice Tool

The second module introduces the Quality Practice Tool and how to use it to measure quality practice.

Module 3: 3pm on 03 May 2024.

Module 3: Observing colleagues practice and feeding back effectively

The third module focuses on how to observe practice to support continuous quality improvement.

See more
Context Mapping

This short training session will introduce you to a range of different approaches to understanding the assets and needs of the communities your work hopes to support – this is a fundamental first step for any programme or project design. By ‘communities’, we mean both geographical (a place or space) and shared identities or experiences (young people with caring responsibilities, for example). 

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Understand the meaning of context mapping and other key terms 
  • Understand the choices to be made when context mapping 
  • Understand how a context map can be used to inform a theory of change.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area one of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 24 May 2024 at 10am-1pm

Sign up and find out more here. 

An Introduction to Theory of Change

This short session will familiarise you with the purpose and uses of a theory of change and how they can be constructed. A theory of change helps you, and other people, to be really clear about what you do with and for young people and the reasons for your design decisions. 

By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Understand what a ‘theory of change’ is, including how they are constructed and used
  • Understand how to use a theory of change as a tool for developing your approach to evaluation 
  • Begin to consider how you might draft a theory of change for one aspect of your provision or for your whole organisation or service.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area two our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 15 May 2024 at 1pm-4pm

Sign up and find out more here. 

April 2024

Youth Voice in Impact Evaluation and Youth Participatory Research

This is a full day session will enable you to understand how to gather evidence from young people and how to tell the story of their experience and journey equitably and ethically. 

By the end of the session, you will be able to: 

  • Understand how and when to involve young people’s feedback into your evaluations
  • Discuss the benefits of involving young people in building an evidence base for your theory of change 
  • Understand the benefits of adult led, co-design and youth led service and evaluation design 
  • Use Equitable Storytelling
  • Understand the characteristics of youth participatory research 
  • Understand the limitations and challenges of YPR and gaining an overview of how to conduct YPR.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area five of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 4 April 2024, 09:30am - 3:30pm

Find out more and sign up here. 

March 2024

Theory of Change Workshop

This practical half-day session will walk you through all the stages of developing a theory of change. At the end of this session, you will leave with a draft theory of change for a project or service. If you are not familiar with theories of change, you may wish to do our introductory session before joining this practical workshop. 

By the end of the session, you will: 

  • Refresh your understanding of Theory of Change models and how to use them 
  • Draft a theory of change for your project or organisation.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area two our Resource Hub. 

Accreditation options

CPD Accreditation for this workshop is available at an additional cost of £15 per person. Please email for more information. 

Date and time: 20 March 2024, 09:30am - 1:30pm

Find out more and sign up here. 


Measuring Socio-emotional Skills

The College understands the importance of socio-emotional skills as the fundamental building block of all human development. As such, they are fundamental to our Outcomes Framework. This half-day session will enable you to understand socio-emotional skills, the importance and role of quality practice in building socio-emotional skills, and how to measure both quality and skill development using our suite of tools. 

By the end of this session, you will: 

  • Understand what socio-emotional skills are 
  • Understand the importance of quality environments to promote socio-emotional learning 
  • Understand how to measure both the quality of environment and the development of socio-emotional skills over time.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area two our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 22 March 2024, 09:30am - 1:30pm

Find out more and sign up here. 

Understanding Different Types of Data

This session is designed for people with some understanding of monitoring and evaluation who want to learn more about the different types of data they might use and how to choose between them. 

By the end of the session, you will: 

  • Understand the strengths and limitations of the different data and data collection tools used in monitoring and evaluation 
  • Have considered which data and tools may be meaningful in your context 
  • Be confident in the rationale behind the choices you make 
  • Understand the importance of quality data
  • Be comfortable taking a measured approach to telling your organisation’s story.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area four of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 13 March 2024, 9:30am - 4:00pm

Find out more and sign up here. 

February 2024

Creative Data Collection and Analysis Workshop

This day workshop will equip you with a firm understanding of when to use a range of different creative data collection tools and how to analyse the data they produce. 

By the end of the day, you will be able to: 

  • Understand why and when you might use creative data collection tools 
  • Develop awareness of the breadth of creative data collection tools 
  • Understand the benefits and limitations of creative data collection tools 
  • Understand the benefits and limitations in analysis of creative data sets 
  • Be comfortable taking a measured approach to telling your organisation’s story 
  • Sharing your impact by telling your organisations story.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area six of our Resource Hub. 



Shared and Collective Measurement

Understanding impact across a range of services or organisations can be a challenge. Equally, understanding the impact all youth provision has in a place or area seems daunting, as they may each have different theories of change and evaluation plans. This short session will help you to think through ways to demonstrate collective impact through shared measurement. 

By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Understand what shared measurement can look like 
  • Understand where your organisation could contribute to shared measurement in the youth sector currently and moving forward.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area seven of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 21 February 2024, 10am - 1:30pm

Find out more and sign up here. 

An Introduction to Theory of Change

This short session will familiarise you with the purpose and uses of a theory of change and how they can be constructed. A theory of change helps you, and other people, to be really clear about what you do with and for young people and the reasons for your design decisions. 

By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Understand what a ‘theory of change’ is, including how they are constructed and used
  • Understand how to use a theory of change as a tool for developing your approach to evaluation 
  • Begin to consider how you might draft a theory of change for one aspect of your provision or for your whole organisation or service.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area two our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: Thursday 8 February 2024, 9:30am - 12:30pm

Sign up and find out more here. 

January 2024

Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation are a fundamental aspect of delivering provision for young people. This day session will equip you with a basic understanding of how to plan and undertake monitoring and evaluation in order to evidence impact. 

By the end of the day, you will: 

  • Understand terms related to monitoring and evaluation 
  • Have a basic knowledge of how to measure change 
  • Have a basic knowledge of how to conduct an evaluation 
  • Understand why fidelity monitoring is important and how it relates to evaluation and innovation.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area four of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 10 January 2024, 09:30am - 3pm

Find out more and sign up here. 


Formative Evaluation

Formative evaluation refers to the learning aspect of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) and allows organisations to modify projects and activities along the way in order to improve outcomes and impact. It is distinct from summative evaluation, which is about looking back once an activity or project has finished. This short session is designed for people with some understanding of monitoring and evaluation who want to use their evaluation work to learn and adapt the work of their organisation. 

By the end of the session, you will: 

  • Understand what formative evaluation is 
  • Understand how monitoring and evaluation inform organisational learning 
  • Use this knowledge to make changes as needed in your organisation.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area six of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 17 January 2024, 10:30am - 1:00pm

Find out more and apply here.

Understanding Different Types of Data

This session is designed for people with some understanding of monitoring and evaluation who want to learn more about the different types of data they might use and how to choose between them. 

By the end of the session, you will: 

  • Understand the strengths and limitations of the different data and data collection tools used in monitoring and evaluation 
  • Have considered which data and tools may be meaningful in your context 
  • Be confident in the rationale behind the choices you make 
  • Understand the importance of quality data
  • Be comfortable taking a measured approach to telling your organisation’s story.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area four of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 24 January 2024, 09:30am - 4:00pm

Find out more and apply here. 

December 2023

Measuring Socio-emotional Skills Development

The College understands the importance of socio-emotional skills as the fundamental building block of all human development. As such, they are fundamental to our Outcomes Framework. This half-day session will enable you to understand socio-emotional skills, the importance and role of quality practice in building socio-emotional skills, and how to measure both quality and skill development using our suite of tools. 

By the end of this session, you will: 

  • Understand what socio-emotional skills are 
  • Understand the importance of quality environments to promote socio-emotional learning 
  • Understand how to measure both the quality of environment and the development of socio-emotional skills over time.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area two our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 08 December 2023, 10am - 2pm



September 2023

Youth Voice in Impact Evaluation and Youth Participatory Research

This is a full day session will enable you to understand how to gather evidence from young people and how to tell the story of their experience and journey equitably and ethically. 

By the end of the session, you will be able to: 

  • Understand how and when to involve young people’s feedback into your evaluations
  • Discuss the benefits of involving young people in building an evidence base for your theory of change 
  • Understand the benefits of adult led, co-design and youth led service and evaluation design 
  • Use Equitable Storytelling
  • Understand the characteristics of youth participatory research 
  • Understand the limitations and challenges of YPR and gaining an overview of how to conduct YPR.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area five of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 19 September 2023, 10am - 4pm


Creative Data Collection and Analysis Workshop

This day workshop will equip you with a firm understanding of when to use a range of different creative data collection tools and how to analyse the data they produce. 

By the end of the day, you will be able to: 

  • Understand why and when you might use creative data collection tools 
  • Develop awareness of the breadth of creative data collection tools 
  • Understand the benefits and limitations of creative data collection tools 
  • Understand the benefits and limitations in analysis of creative data sets
  • Be comfortable taking a measured approach to telling your organisation’s story 
  • Sharing your impact by telling your organisations story.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area six of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 29 September 2023, 09:30am - 4:30pm


October 2023

Context Mapping

This short training session will introduce you to a range of different approaches to understanding the assets and needs of the communities your work hopes to support – this is a fundamental first step for any programme or project design. By ‘communities’, we mean both geographical (a place or space) and shared identities or experiences (young people with caring responsibilities, for example). 

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Understand the meaning of context mapping and other key terms 
  • Understand the choices to be made when context mapping 
  • Understand how a context map can be used to inform a theory of change.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area one of our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 23 October 2023, 4pm - 7pm



November 2023

An Introduction to a Theory of Change

This short session will familiarise you with the purpose and uses of a theory of change and how they can be constructed. A theory of change helps you, and other people, to be really clear about what you do with and for young people and the reasons for your design decisions. 

By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Understand what a ‘theory of change’ is, including how they are constructed and used
  • Understand how to use a theory of change as a tool for developing your approach to evaluation 
  • Begin to consider how you might draft a theory of change for one aspect of your provision or for your whole organisation or service.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area two our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 08 November 2023, 1pm - 4pm



Theory of Change Workshop

This practical half-day session will walk you through all the stages of developing a theory of change. At the end of this session, you will leave with a draft theory of change for a project or service. If you are not familiar with theories of change, you may wish to do our introductory session before joining this practical workshop. 

By the end of the session, you will: 

  • Refresh your understanding of Theory of Change models and how to use them 
  • Draft a theory of change for your project or organisation.

You can find more resources to help you with this area of work in area two our Resource Hub. 

Date and time: 23 November 2023, 10am - 2pm
